Idyllic downtown scene, Fries, Virginia

Information for residents of Fries, Virginia. Doing business with the town of Fries.

Water Quality

Water quality report may be found here.

Town Council Minutes

Click here for town council approved minutes from the current year-to-date (2025).

Here for minutes for the entire previous year (2024).

Here for minutes for the entire previous year (2023).

Here for minutes for 2022.

Rental Rates

Rental fees for town properties may be found here. Rental application is here.

Town Government

Makeup of the town government may be found here.

Town of Fries Golf Cart Policy

Golf carts are allowed on town streets, within town limits, by permit only. Annual inspection, insurance, and drivers license are required to obtain a permit. Operating a golf cart without a permit, license, or insurance is a Class 2 misdemeanor. Permit fee is $25. Permit application is here.

Caboose - Request for Proposals

Click here for more information.

Part-time Maintenance Worker

May result in full-time employment after probationary period. Job involves the performance of heavy manual duties related to street construction, water/sewer installation/repair, maintenance, grounds keeping and may be routine and repetitive in nature.  Work also involves the use of some acquired skills, some manipulative skills and the ability to follow direction precisely.  Successful applicant must be punctual and be able to interact positively with the public and fellow employees. References required. A drug test may be required.  Apply at the Fries Town Hall, P.O. Box 452, Fries, VA 24330 or Deadline for applications is Friday, March 14th, 2025.